by Tanis MacDonald
Take this simple test to see
if you should spend more time
in the natural world. Name ten
kinds of local trees. Ten local
birds. Ten naturally-occurring
local flora. In what phase is
the moon tonight? When did you last
see a sunrise? When did you last
sleep beneath your canoe on a tiny
island? Natural. Do you believe in
the power of sunrise to dispel
sandflies? How high did you jump
when the morning bugled in with
a dog’s head and the torn
remains of a net? How quickly did
you launch your canoe? Have you ever
fallen from a great height in a cloud
of wax? Are those your legs disappearing
into the water? Are you now or have you
ever been dumped
overboard for the insurance? How close
are the monsters? Test to see. How much
do you believe the scholarly
theory that the monsters are just
fish? How will you
string your rod? Name ten
successful lures. Are you sun blind?
Are you giving up the ship or just
going down with all hands? When were you
last boarded, press-ganged, seized
amidships? Are you a Jonah or just
not wanted on the voyage? Is that
an albatross around your
neck or are you just happy
to sea? Take this. Why did you
bless the water snakes? Where did you first
meet them? Were you drinking
water water
everywhere? (By gum, that’s mutiny,
sir; that’s entrapment.) Did you
the monster with your shapely pegleg?
This island’s mine, by Sycorax
my mother; that’s her swimming
starboard. Stand up now, grip the
gunwhale if you must, and show
some goddamned respect. Simple.
some goddamned respect. Simple.
love this, Tanis!